It's not that I'm bad at posting. it's just that I spend the night at Levi's house a lot now and they don't have internet. I went to the beach with Luke and Levi yesterday and it was very fun. I woke up at 7:30am and got my stuff together and went to wal*mart to get a new bathing suit. I didn't end up getting one though cuz I didn't look good in the one that I wanted. oh well. So i bought batteries instead. then i drove back home because I 4 got the driving directions to the beach. After i got the directions I drove the Levi's house. they wern't awake so I had to wake them up and get them ready. Luke didn't have what he needed so I had to take us back to his house so he could get his stuff. Then finally we were on our way to the beach. we stopped for Mc Donalds to eat (I'm not eating there for a long while) and then we kinda got lost trying to find the beach parking lot. on our quest to the parking lot we saw this really cool random peach of art in the middle of the water. I stopped to take a picture of it. When we found the parking lot we had to walk a little ways to acctualy get to the beach we wanted to go to. But you can't really get there with a car because you have to walk on sand stone. It was really cool though. we saw a lot of crabs and little tiny fish. we found our spot and debated wether or not we were acctualy going to get into the water or not. Luke played his guitar and we listened to him (he's pretty good). Then Luke and Levi went into the water and made me watch their stuff. Because I'm scared to do most stuff I got left behind for most of the day. I tried not to let it bother me to much but really it sucked a lot. I really can't beleive that they left me alone so much when I did so much to get us there. It was fun but not as fun as I hoped it would be. I spent the night at levi's house again.
sex 2X's