Tuesday, June 12, 2007

no beach...

we were supposta go to the beach yesterday but we didn't end up going because Levi sucks and didn't call any one to come with us. So this morning we cleaned my house and then my mommy gave us 20$ to go see a movie. First we went to Levi's house and I watched the Poke'mon movie while Mike and Levi played DS. Levi grabbed a bunch of condoms and after a while we left. We got 2 nacho supremes and went back to my house and ate them. They were sooo yummy. Then when we were done we had the best sex in the world on my living room floor. Shortly after we were done my mom came home and then we left again. On our way out my neighbor stopped us and told us to be safe. Levi thinks she herd me. I hope not. How embarassing. We went to Parkway and bought tickets to go and see Spider man. i thought it was pretty cool but not quite as cool as I hoped it would be. I saw the previews for a movie that I really want to see though. It's called Across the Universe. I think it's about the Vietnam war. so cool looking. After the movie we hung out with Tom for a long while. We talked about film and he baught use lunch at Mc Donalds. At around 10pm we went to my car and had some more amazing sex in the parking lot of Parkway. fun stuff. Then we went to Levi's house and I spent the night. I loved yesterday.

sex 2X's

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